秋野 不矩 あきの ふく 1908-2001
1908年、静岡県磐田郡二俣ふたまた町(現 浜松市天竜区二俣町)に生誕。19歳で石井林響いしいりんきょう、次いで京都の西山翠嶂にしやますいしょうに師事した。 22歳のとき(30年)、朝鮮人部落の女が赤ん坊を負うて麦野を歩く姿を描いた《野を帰る》が帝展に初入選。36年文展監査展に《砂上》を出品、選奨を受賞。戦後まもなく、新しい日本画の創造を目指して〈創造美術〉(現 創画会)の結成に参加し、官展を中心とする旧態依然とした日本画から離れ、既存の枠にとらわれない斬新な表現技法で人物画に新境地を開いた。 1962年、54歳のときにインドのビスバ-バラティ大学(現 タゴール国際大学)の客員教授に招かれ1年間滞在。以来、インドに魅せられ、その後もたびたび現地を訪れ、インドの風景や人々、寺院などをモチーフとした作品を制作した。また、アフガニスタン、ネパール、カンボジア、アフリカを旅し、創作のモチーフとなった。 1991年、文化功労者顕彰。1999年、文化勲章を受章。2001年、93歳で亡くなるまで精力的に絵筆をとり続けた。
Akino Fuku 1908-2001
Akino Fuku was born in 1908 in Futamata, Iwata District, Shizuoka Prefecture (present day Futamata, Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu City). At the age of 19, she studied under the painter Ishii Rinkyo in Chiba, then Nishiyama Suisho in Kyoto. At 22 (1930), her work,“Returning through the Fields” depicting a Korean woman carrying a baby and walking through a wheat field, was selected for the Teiten Exhibition for the first time. In 1936 at age 26, she exhibited “On the Sand” at the Bunten Juried Exhibition and received an award. Shortly after the war, she cofounded Sozo Bijutu Art Association (now known as the SOGA-Kai Association of Japanese Painting) with the aim of creating a forum for new style of Japanese painting. Departing from the traditional Japanese painting societies centered on government exhibitions, she sought to break new ground and explore novel, expressive techniques in portrait painting.
In 1962, at the age of 54, she was invited to teach for a year as guest professor at Visva-Bharati University (present day the Tagore International University) in India. She was deeply affected as an artist by her stay there and made many, extended visits to the country in subsequent years. India's landscapes, temples, and people became the almost exclusive subjects of her work. She also traveled to Afghanistan, Nepal, Cambodia, and Africa, and depicted them in her work. In 1991, she was awarded the Order of Cultural Merit, and in 1999, the Order of Culture. She continued to paint energetically until 2001 when she passed away at age 93.
Returning through the Fields (野を帰る)
Approx. 146 x 162 cm (estimated)
Burned down in1966